Source code for gemstone.client.remote_service

import urllib.request
import os

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import simplejson as json

from gemstone.client.structs import MethodCall, Notification, Result, BatchResult, AsyncMethodCall
from gemstone.errors import CalledServiceError

[docs]class RemoteService(object): RESPONSE_CODES = { -32001: "access_denied", -32603: "internal_error", -32601: "method_not_found", -32602: "invalid_params" } def __init__(self, service_endpoint, *, authentication_method=None): self.url = service_endpoint self.authentication_method = authentication_method self._thread_pool = None def _get_thread_pool(self): # lazily initialized if not self._thread_pool: self._thread_pool = ThreadPool(os.cpu_count()) return self._thread_pool
[docs] def handle_single_request(self, request_object): """ Handles a single request object and returns the raw response :param request_object: """ if not isinstance(request_object, (MethodCall, Notification)): raise TypeError("Invalid type for request_object") method_name = request_object.method_name params = request_object.params req_id = request_body = self.build_request_body(method_name, params, id=req_id) http_request = self.build_http_request_obj(request_body) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(http_request) except urllib.request.HTTPError as e: raise CalledServiceError(e) if not req_id: return response_body = json.loads( return response_body
def build_request_body(self, method_name, params, id=None): request_body = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": method_name, "params": params } if id: request_body['id'] = id return request_body def build_http_request_obj(self, request_body): request = urllib.request.Request(self.url) request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json") request.add_header("User-Agent", "gemstone-client") = json.dumps(request_body).encode() request.method = "POST" return request
[docs] def call_method(self, method_name_or_object, params=None): """ Calls the ``method_name`` method from the given service and returns a :py:class:`gemstone.client.structs.Result` instance. :param method_name_or_object: The name of te called method or a ``MethodCall`` instance :param params: A list of dict representing the parameters for the request :return: a :py:class:`gemstone.client.structs.Result` instance. """ if isinstance(method_name_or_object, MethodCall): req_obj = method_name_or_object else: req_obj = MethodCall(method_name_or_object, params) raw_response = self.handle_single_request(req_obj) response_obj = Result(result=raw_response["result"], error=raw_response['error'], id=raw_response["id"], method_call=req_obj) return response_obj
[docs] def call_method_async(self, method_name_or_object, params=None): """ Calls the ``method_name`` method from the given service asynchronously and returns a :py:class:`gemstone.client.structs.AsyncMethodCall` instance. :param method_name_or_object: The name of te called method or a ``MethodCall`` instance :param params: A list of dict representing the parameters for the request :return: a :py:class:`gemstone.client.structs.AsyncMethodCall` instance. """ thread_pool = self._get_thread_pool() if isinstance(method_name_or_object, MethodCall): req_obj = method_name_or_object else: req_obj = MethodCall(method_name_or_object, params) async_result_mp = thread_pool.apply_async(self.handle_single_request, args=(req_obj,)) return AsyncMethodCall(req_obj=req_obj, async_resp_object=async_result_mp)
[docs] def notify(self, method_name_or_object, params=None): """ Sends a notification to the service by calling the ``method_name`` method with the ``params`` parameters. Does not wait for a response, even if the response triggers an error. :param method_name_or_object: the name of the method to be called or a ``Notification`` instance :param params: a list of dict representing the parameters for the call :return: None """ if isinstance(method_name_or_object, Notification): req_obj = method_name_or_object else: req_obj = Notification(method_name_or_object, params) self.handle_single_request(req_obj)
def call_batch(self, *requests): body = [] ids = {} for item in requests: if not isinstance(item, (MethodCall, Notification)): raise TypeError("Invalid type for batch item: {}".format(item)) body.append(self.build_request_body( method_name=item.method_name, params=item.params or {}, )) if isinstance(item, MethodCall): ids[body[-1]["id"]] = item results = self.handle_batch_request(body) batch_result = BatchResult() for result in results: result_obj = Result(result["result"], result["error"], result["id"], method_call=ids[result["id"]]) batch_result.add_response(result_obj) return batch_result def handle_batch_request(self, body): request = self.build_http_request_obj(body) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) except urllib.request.HTTPError as e: raise CalledServiceError(e) resp_body = json.loads( return resp_body